Barcode Generator for Inventory Control

Inventory control is an important means of automatically tracking large shipments. Barcode Generator Software for Inventory Control helps you to design and print different types of barcode labels and coupons used in inventory control and stock management. Retail business barcode maker software enables your business to track inventory levels and movements in your warehouse or stock room by item, serial number, or lot number.

Procedural Screenshots
Above screenshot shows a Barcode Designing View method, using Card properties you can set-
1 Card Shape (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse),
2 Card Name and Size (Width and Height) ,
3 Border of the label.
You can also design barcode using b Barcode Settings method.
Software Features
- Generate bulk number of barcode stickers and price tags for inventory products.
- Software supports all major Linear and 2D barcode fonts including codabar, Aztec to generate inventory and retails labels.
- Create customized inventory and retail barcode labels with General settings, Font settings and Image settings.
- Design and create retail barcode labels with texts, lines, pictures and other drawing objects using advance Barcode Designing View.
- Provide option to copy and paste designed barcode at specified application like MS Word, MS Paint etc.